Monday the 13th…

… seems appropriate.

I have been intending to add a blog to this website for quite some time and it looks like that time has arrived. My intent is that this be a space of delight, and hope for any viewers. I really only have one thing to say today: whatever ‘it’ is, get out and do it as often as you can. This is what I am about to do against all the rools of macro photography. I am going out on a dull, grey cool summer’s morning sans tripod and flash, with only two bodies - mine and the camera, a single lens, a hat, grey block (the antithesis of sun block) and a lens cloth.

I hope you can enjoy your day whatever that may mean for you.

Now if I can just conjure the magic for adding an image and an RSS feed to this …

back lit closeup image, curled beige coloured  leaf sitting in water with a white wispy smoke overlay in the mid-ground

“Smoke on the water”


Tuesday the 14th …