
Emerging from the clouds and seeing the view from his world, Gerald’s world view changed.

How I do stuff bit: this was a single smoke image, and a single star field image with 4 .. no 5 … textures for clouds, colour. (4 is normal 5 is extra - this number is growing - it was 1. I build these textures from other images say cicada wings for example, blurring, recolouring and blending to suit.

Imagination: practice, practice, practice. Ask others what they see, and then practice some more.

Titles: Often the first word that comes into my head when I first see the image, but that can mutate as I work on it. Gerald is a mutant and comes from the lyrics of Bike - Pink Floyd.

”I know a mouse, and he hasn't got a house
I don't know why I call him Gerald
He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse”

Of course I change “mouse” to “muse” in my head. Song titles and lyrics do feature a fair bit in my titles but I try not to be too descriptive of the image content, after all we’d (Gerald and I) would like you to have your own experience and engage with the image.

So whaddya see?

Humanoid shaped smoke plume looking out over a star field.

Tuesday the 14th …